We are Xeamit [si:mit]

Xeamit’s journey began in 2016 with three business software consultants for EAM clients (Enterprise Asset Management) who wanted to test their own wings. Our copany name, Xeamit AB [si:mit], is based on a play on words that illustrates our ‘excellence’ in taking care of EAM systems. Until now, we have often shortened it to Xeam, which is also the name we previously used in our logotype. Now we have updated it to create both clarity and uniformity around our company name and brand so that all employees, customers, partners and suppliers know us through one and the same name – Xeamit!
The implementation of this change is made gradually. Our e-mail addresses will get adjusted to xeamit.se instead of xeamit.se but both old and new addresses will work in parallel. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions and concerns you may have!
Varmt välkommen att kontakta oss!
Är du intresserad av våra tjänster eller funderar över något är du välkommen att höra av dig så hjälper vi dig vidare!
Drottninggatan 43 I, 582 27 Linköping
Greta Garbos Väg 13, 169 40 Solna
Organisationsnummer 559071-0710