Xeamit designated a Gasell company 2021

Xeamit AB has this year been named a Gasell company by Dagens Industri, a Swedish business daily. The award ranks Sweden’s most successful companies in 21 Swedish counties. The Gasell survey is based on the company’s four most recent annual reports. Less than one percent of Sweden’s limited companies qualify for the title “Gasell company”.
“We are very proud to have achieved Gasell status this year. Without the incredible commitment and expertise of the whole team, we would not be where we are today. Many thanks to the whole team for their brilliant efforts, and thank you to all our customers for the trust you have shown us during our first five years”, said Erik Andersson, Solution Architect and Co-Founder, Xeamit AB
On October 13th, the Gasells of the Year will be celebrated, and Xeam AB will compete to win the Gasell Company of the Year award in Östergötland, Sweden.
To be named a Gasell, the company must meet all the criteria below:
- A net turnover exceeding SEK 10 million, according to the latest annual report.
- At least 10 employees, according to the latest annual report.
- At least a doubling of its turnover between the first and final financial years of the four-year period.
- Increased turnover every year for the previous three years.
- A positive overall operating result for the previous four financial years.
- Substantial organic growth, i.e., not through acquisitions or mergers.
- Sound finances
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