Xeamit has been entrusted to help Umeå Energi upgrade its version of IFS Applications business software

Umeå Energi is a group of 8 companies that all use IFS Applications. In total there are about 470 users in the system. Umeå Energi administers and operates the software with its own staff.
At present, IFS Applications 9 is being used, but because support for this version has ceased, Umeå Energi sees a need to upgrade to a version supported by the supplier. The plan is to upgrade to IFS Applications 10.
“We are extremely proud and happy to have been entrusted to help Umeå Energi with its upgrade to IFS Applications 10. We have been working together for many years and we have extensive knowledge of the customer and its business. We look forward to a successful project together!” says Johan Örn, Xeamit AB
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